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Private Tuition

The Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and Refresher Courses consist of 6 lessons of 2 hours per lesson. A weekend course consists of 4 lessons of 2 hours per lesson.

Each lesson will consist of easy to understand themes, with ample opportunity to practice and question. Lesson sheets will be provided and kept for future reference.

Each course builds on what you have learned to date and so without any effort, you naturally progress and improve your game, with lots of opportunities to practice elements of the game already covered in previous courses.

REMEMBER – You can learn on your own or with friends and family.

Beginners Course

For the complete novice, this course will give you a real sense of what the game is about and why it is so popular. It introduces you to the basics of the game including the terminology and the fundamental elements of play. By the end of the course you will be able to play basic bridge.

Intermediate Course

Building on from the Beginner’s course, we now take your game up another level making it more dynamic. You will be introduced to bridge conventions and how to bid with very strong or weak hands.

Advanced Course

This is for those who want to play at the top end of the game. It is based on various bridge conventions, which we would discuss as being the best ones to learn to suit your game.

Refresher Course

A course designed for those who are either a bit rusty or weak in certain elements of their game, either bidding or playing out a contract. We will discuss your needs and build the course around what is needed to brush away those cobwebs or renew that confidence.

Weekend Course

This course is very popular with people who are busy or have difficulty coordinating diaries with their friends. The four lessons course takes place over a weekend with two lessons on the Saturday and two more on the Sunday.

Should I be required to stay the weekend then I would be very happy too. This is quite common for those who live outside of London.